Affiliate form

Thank you for choosing to be part of our esteemed Chamber. The Levels of Affiliation to the Chamber for this 2020 have been established by the Board of Directors based on the annual turnover of the Companies. The large emblematic Nordic companies are in Level 1 with an annuity of $ 30,000, the Consultants and Studies, as well as the member companies of the Board are in Level 2, with an annuity of $ 20,000, and the rest of the affiliates and SMEs in Level 3, with an annuity of $ 15,000.

Affiliate form

De acuerdo al Artículo 14º de Nuestros Estatutos: El socio podrá renunciar a su afiliación mediante notificación por escrito al Presidente, por lo menos con un mes de anticipación a la finalización del primer semestre del ejercicio fiscal de la Cámara, de lo contrario, deberá abonar el total de la cuota anual, no obstante su renuncia.

Al apretar el botón "Afiliarse" acepta estas condiciones de Afiliacion. 

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